When your partner is transferred, returns from a mission abroad or changes job, you want to accompany him or her in their career development.
Thanks to its expertise in outplacement and recruitment, and its in-depth knowledge of the regional economic fabric,
Kenseo can help your employee’s partner to build their career path and find a new job in the Rhône-Alpes region.

« I appreciated the quality and the professionalism of the outplacement support that I received from KENSEO, when I decided to follow my wife after she left Paris for Lyon, while I knew absolutely nothing about the economic fabric in Lyon. The close fit between the workshops and the individual and group support provided the opportunity to prepare my professional development in Lyon. And their good humour and friendliness were a welcome bonus. »
« The recurrent satisfaction with the service in terms of quality, proximity and flexibility, for both recruitment and the other services on offer, has prompted me to work with KENSEO on a regular basis. »