Change management
Environments change at an ever increasing pace and frequency, organisations have to adjust and adapt themselves by resizing, regrouping and deploying themselves differently, and with a reworked vision.
Activities are challenged and people experience and adopt meaning, issues and new projects with varying degrees of difficulty.
This is where we can step in to help you to facilitate the acceptance and adoption of a major change (projects, changes in organisations or activities, the sale or merger of activities, etc.):
- by mobilising everyone around a common objective,
- by sharing its meaning,
- by consolidating communications and key players,
- by preparing the impacted managers for all the steps,
- by making them players in the deployment.
The goals
To build a common vision of the change with the key players, and to share the reasons, meaning and purpose.
To federate around the change by overcoming obstacles, by facilitating the emergence of the corresponding opportunities, by sharing the strategies of the players in place and by “arming” key managers.
To define well adapted action plans that facilitate adoption at the different stages of the deployment: communication and awareness-raising, training, retention plan, workshops, individual coaching, team building, etc.

The Kenseo method
- to share every aspect of the change,
- to co-build the right communications,
- to take actions intended to prepare and mobilise the key players.
Our difference
An example of change management
One of a group’s activities was to be sold off, because it was no longer a part of the core business.
In the confidential phase preceding the announcement of the project, preparations were made for the change with a restricted team of top managers. We set up a pilot group to align the different visions – business, target organisation, HR, etc. – and to identify the obstacles and opportunities. We also conducted a joint analysis of the positioning strategies of the key players. Action plans were drawn up to overcome the obstacles, to optimise the opportunities and to implement these strategies.
Once the project was no longer confidential, the pilot group was extended to include managers from the impacted management committee, who validated the vision and strategy. The goal consists of preparing the key players for the announcement of the project and the implementation of the action plans: training the managers to cope with resistance and/or conflicts, team building, alignment of the communications plan with the climate barometer, etc. A group of field representatives was also formed and trained (training and social barometer) to stay close to the employees and organise feedback, when the announcement is made to the employees, and to provide support in the period to come.