Combining complementary skills and generating synergies are two of KENSEO’s founding principles.
Our alliances and strategic partnerships, based on high standards and mutual trust, offer us the possibility to share our growth, by developing our geographical coverage and by accessing know-how and new technologies.
By creating added value together, we can address our markets with greater agility and expertise, in order to meet our customers’ needs.

The partnership with Nexmove in Greater Paris and on international markets
In an effort to offer better support to customers and candidates in Greater Paris and abroad for their career changes, Kenseo has teamed up with Nexmove, a renowned specialist in the field and a member of Arbora Global Career Partners, one of the major networks of outplacement companies in the world that is present in 28 countries.
Member of Croissance Plus
Founded in 1997, Croissance Plus is an association of entrepreneurs that federates executives from fast-growing companies and their partners (insurance companies, major banks, lawyers, consultants, auditors, accountants, recruiters, venture capital funds, etc.).
In our opinion, our involvement in Croissance Plus is very important, because it reflects our entrepreneurial values of support and development.
Member of the Syntec Council
Founded in 1985, the Syntec Professional Development Council brings together 23 consulting companies, with a view to supporting employees in their career development through four activities:
- social support for restructuring (collective reclassification),
- coaching,
- skills reviews,
- individual outplacement.
The Syntec Professional Development Council and its members work to promote the modernisation of career development counselling in order to better meet the needs of both companies and employees.
The partnership with EMLYON
Founded in 1872, the EMLYON Business School is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. The history of EMLYON has always been branded by entrepreneurship, innovation and the will to succeed. These three factors explain why EMLYON has become a leader in entrepreneurial education in France, Europe and the world.
The partnership with
Founded in 2002, is the leading information medium on disability in France. With 2.5 million users, it addresses all aspects of disability, from the latest news, to legal and material issues, employment, leisure and tourism.
It works to promote the autonomy of the disabled and their participation in French society. has also launched or is associated with numerous innovative initiatives, including the Hangagés organisation, the Festival dans la Boîte, the Handi2day online recruitment forum, the T’handi Quoi? game, plus Un Sur Quatre, Autonom’Ease, Home Access and Transcense.
The partnership with T’Hompouss Consultants
T’Hompouss Consultants is an HR bureau specialised in supporting companies and local authorities in their efforts to promote the integration and durable employment of disabled employees.
The management of disability in the workplace is its core business.
From internal diagnostics to the supervision of your actions, T’Hompouss helps you to create the tools and process that will optimise your practices.
T’Hompouss can input its expertise in a number of fields, from your disability agreements, to the negotiation of your Agefiph/Fiphpf convention, training and awareness-raising for your teams, support for your disabled employees or managing your internal disability network.
The partnership with Relocalyon
Relocalyon specialises in the geographical mobility of employees and their family.
Relocalyon can intervene in cases of relocation (finding housing and moving house) and immigration (obtaining visas, resident’s permits and other administrative formalities). The relocation services are eligible for the MOBILI-PASS® aid, for both new recruits and transferred employees.
Founded in 2015, Relocalyon already has some reputable references, and is renowned amongst its customers for its quality of service, reactivity and warm welcome.